A weekend with DACOart / Un weekend cu DACOart
Hello ,
A hobby can be fun and exciting.But to keep your hobby productive and fresh, you need inspiration, moral support and good feedback from the public.As a blogger,I put my heart and time into my little projects and I really appreciate the interest of the companies I support.
Sa ai un hobby este ceva frumos si distractiv, insa ai nevoie de multa vointa si dorinta. Pe langa acestea, mai ai nevoie de sprijin din partea publicului ( mai ales daca esti blogger ). Pe langa timpul investit in blogging,mai vine si partea emotionala. Este un proiect la care nu ai cum sa nu pui suflet. De aceea, ma bucur sa fiu placut surprinsa de companiile pe care le sprijin prin achizitionarea materialelor pe care le produc, ca sunt interesati de cum sunt folosite produsele lor.
Not long ago I got the opportunity to participate to my very first bloggers' meetup. Luckly Adaconi, a Romanian company, had a wonderful idea to create this small event and spend a weekend exploring Hateg, Romania and get to know more about their brand DACOart.
I love their products and I hope crafting and scrapbooking grows even more in my country.And I know Adaconi will support this community with even more new products and other projects, because they really want the best for their clients and our small crafty community.
Am avut ocazia de a participa la un eveniment organizat de firma Adaconi. Cu siguranta ati auzit / vazut produsele DACOart. Am fost invitata sa petrec un weekeend in Hateg, alaturi de alte bloggerite, care au acelasi interes ca si mine : handmade-ul. Personal, imi plac produsele din gama lor si sper sa se extinda si mai mult pe partea de craft si scrapbooking. Eu cred ca este posibil sa construim o comunitate pe acest domeniu si in Romania.
I must say the company and their staff are a big family and really friendly and open people. They work hard, but you can see the joy in their eyes when they speak about their company.
Probabil pentru prima data, am vazut si eu ce inseamna sa lucrezi intr-o firma, unde sa te duci cu drag la munca in fiecare zi. Desi au o munca destul de grea, o fac cu mare drag!
I had a wonderful time meeting new people and getting to know other bloggers from Romania : AliCards and Crafts ,Talente De Năzdrăvani, Solnita cu vise si Blogulmamei. We got all together to chit chat about new products, new ideas and we had fun creating projects, using DACOart products.Sadly, the time went by so fast!
M-am simtit foarte bine alaturi de AliCards and Crafts ,Talente De Năzdrăvani, Solnita cu vise si Blogulmamei. Am vorbit, am ras, am mancat, am avut un mic atelier de creatie si ne-am bucurat de natura si locuri noi. O experienta tare placuta! Din pacate, timpul a trecut mult prea repede!
After all this fun, we got to explore Hateg and the surroundings. If you ever get to go to Hateg, you can visit : Hateg Bisons Reservation, The Church of Densus, Dinosaurs Geopark etc...
I know this is the beginning of a new journey and I can not wait to explore even more. But for now, I would like to thank you, Adaconi for this invitation and for the great time. I hope to meet you again soon!
Sunt sigura ca este doar un inceput si ca astfel de evenimente vor mai fi pe viitor. Eu ma bucur ca am avut placerea de a cunoaste mai mult brand-ul DACOart si pe cei care reusesc sa mentina acest brand pe piata. Va recomand sa incercati produsele lor si de ce nu, sa le impartasiti cu noi pe Instagram, Facebook etc...
Lucrul manual nu este doar pentru cei mici. Dupa o zi lunga de munca si stres, putem uita de probleme, doar cu bucata de hartie colorata, un adeziv si sclipici. Doar idei sa ai si de materiale se ocupa Adaconi sau DACOart. Abia astept produsele noi care sunt pregatite pentru luna Septembrie. Lista de cumparaturi devine tot mai lunga.
A hobby can be fun and exciting.But to keep your hobby productive and fresh, you need inspiration, moral support and good feedback from the public.As a blogger,I put my heart and time into my little projects and I really appreciate the interest of the companies I support.
Not long ago I got the opportunity to participate to my very first bloggers' meetup. Luckly Adaconi, a Romanian company, had a wonderful idea to create this small event and spend a weekend exploring Hateg, Romania and get to know more about their brand DACOart.
I love their products and I hope crafting and scrapbooking grows even more in my country.And I know Adaconi will support this community with even more new products and other projects, because they really want the best for their clients and our small crafty community.
I must say the company and their staff are a big family and really friendly and open people. They work hard, but you can see the joy in their eyes when they speak about their company.
I had a wonderful time meeting new people and getting to know other bloggers from Romania : AliCards and Crafts ,Talente De Năzdrăvani, Solnita cu vise si Blogulmamei. We got all together to chit chat about new products, new ideas and we had fun creating projects, using DACOart products.Sadly, the time went by so fast!
After all this fun, we got to explore Hateg and the surroundings. If you ever get to go to Hateg, you can visit : Hateg Bisons Reservation, The Church of Densus, Dinosaurs Geopark etc...
I know this is the beginning of a new journey and I can not wait to explore even more. But for now, I would like to thank you, Adaconi for this invitation and for the great time. I hope to meet you again soon!
Lucrul manual nu este doar pentru cei mici. Dupa o zi lunga de munca si stres, putem uita de probleme, doar cu bucata de hartie colorata, un adeziv si sclipici. Doar idei sa ai si de materiale se ocupa Adaconi sau DACOart. Abia astept produsele noi care sunt pregatite pentru luna Septembrie. Lista de cumparaturi devine tot mai lunga.
Multumesc Adaconi pentru invitatie ! O zi creativa va doresc!
Îmi pare atât de bine ca am reușit să ajung si sa ne cunoaștem!