Sneak peak into my life.

Hello blocreatures,

YEY! It's finally Spring! I hope everyone is having a wonderful Spring! I love this season!

Today I have a non-crafty post. Just a sneak peak into my life.

 I've studied art. High school of Music and Fine Arts in my hometown Alba Iulia. Then I went to Faculty of Political , Administration and Communication Sciences / Advertising. I didn't work out for me.

Now I'm studying Photography in my hometown. I don't have a professional camera but I'm working on that.

Anyhow this is not an issue. I like what I am doing. 

A few weeks ago I had a photoshoot with my other classmates for a mini exposition called: ''Instant Light - Art Mask ''

(Click Image)
  Face painting : Me
Photographer: Me

 (Click Image)
Face painting : Me
Photographer: Alex Scheau

 (Click Image)
 Face painting :  Me
Photographer:  Sarb Vasi
 (Click Image)
 Face painting :  Me
Photographer:  Sarb Vasi
That's all for today.  If you have any question leave a comment below.Have a great day!


  1. This is great - I'm rubbish at face pianting so can appreciate how difficult this is! Jo x

  2. just beautiful work

  3. I know you will be a wonderful photographer one day, traveling all over the world!


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