Thoughts of the day

Hei blogcreatures!

Note: The winner of my ´´Lollyrot illustration +  extra goodies ´´ is paperdrama ( I have posted already the video on my YT channel)
Happy New Year everyone! 2010 has been a wonderful year for me.I don´t even know from where to start...Ok! First, I am thankful for the people in my life who know me well and still find it in their hearts to love me ( I am a very complicated person).I couldn´t ask for more.Second, I REALLY appreciate your visits to my blog and all your kind , nice comments trough the whole 2010.
Well I spent my Christmas holidays at home, with my family and my boyfriend Mohammad.I had my spooky-traditional Christmas tree, cookies, music, lights, presents but something was missing,maybe the magic of Christmas seems to fade away.
Mohammad and I
(Click Image)
Also, I got two wonderful gifts by Christmas and New Year.YAY! First I got  a glue gun PHP 500 A1 by Prakside, from my friend Dana! Thanks Dana!!!!
And the second gift is ....(you have no idea how happy I am for this ) a Singer 155  SEWING MACHINE!!So my dreams come true! For me buying a sewing machine is like buying a car *laugh*.I have an old sewing machine but unfortunately is broken.
(Click Image)
 I am so happy to have this new machine because it runs very smoothly and quietly.When I got it I thought that it is a joke...because my boyfriend Mohammad came home with  a big box and he said to me: ´´Do you like it¿ Are you feeling better now?´´ (I was ill for a couple of days) .Lovely surprise! Takk sa myeee!!!
That was all for now,leave a comment bellow and tell me about your Christmas story.


  1. lovely picture of you two! cool you got a new sewing machine!

  2. Wow...ce norocoasa esti! :) Si eu vreau o masina de cusut!!! :) Si ce fain ca v-ati intalnit de Craciun...

    Eu am facut cookies si cupcakes... am stat acasa am mancat si am dormit...nothing interesting. Abia am asteptat sa treaca timpul mai repede!

    De ce nu pui o poza cu bradutul tau spooky...chiar sunt curioasa sa vad cum a iesit!

  3. ah...ce pacat cu bradutul :(... Oricum cred ca a aratat bestial! :)
    Mersi mult de urari! Si voua un an plin de "intalniri" multe multe f2f :) si la cat mai multe impliniri!

  4. Just wanted to say I like your blog and your work, especially the stuff you have done with Stampotique stamps.....very cool!

  5. What a great gift ! is always so nice to be surprised :D I spent Christmas with my family it was lots of fun my brother and his family came over from the States I hadn't celebrated Christmas with them for more than three years so spending time with him and my nephews made it a special Christmas.

  6. beautiful pic! your work is amazing and beautiful! great that you got a sewing machine! enjoy!

  7. Hi there love your new toy!
    Thank you for your lovely comments... the black and turquoise paper is from Die Cuts With A View, it is a 12x12 stack and is gorgeous! I can send you a few 6x6 off cuts if you would like to try it? Just email me and ill send it out tomorrow.
    I am not on youtube :(
    love tasha xx

  8. haha!
    Imi imaginez ce bucuroasa esti de noua ta masina de cusut!
    Eu inca nu m-am hotarat sa-mi iau una din lipsa acuta de spatiu.
    My Christmas story: migraine, natural tree in vase - no deco, milk, oranges si friptura de porc bio. Am fost tare bucuroasa sa primesc carne si carnat de la un porc crescut la tara.
    Cadourile mi le-am facut singura. Dupa unul merg maine la vama (corner chomper). Eu oricum imi fac tot timpul cate un cadou.

  9. There is an energy attached to consciousness and what we think and feel helps create the world around us.

    Thought of the day


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